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What does Addiction do to the Brain?


For many people, addiction is not just about what they’re doing; it’s also about how their brains are wired. Addiction affects every part of your brain: from where you store memories and information in your mental computer to how those memories are retrieved when you need them most (like during withdrawal).

Addiction is a disease that leads to craving the substance or how it makes you feel.

It’s not just about using something once in a while and then quitting. It’s about an ongoing pattern of behavior that can become dangerous when left untreated. Addiction affects your brain chemistry, leading to changes in your mood, thoughts, and behaviors similar to those found in other mental illnesses, such as depression or anxiety disorders. While it may be difficult at first glance when someone tells you they have an addiction problem because they appear fine on the outside (or even with their friends), many people who struggle with addictions don’t realize how much trouble they’re really in until things get worse—and sometimes even after being aware for years before seeking treatment.

The pleasure system in our brain is linked to addiction.

The Brain’s pleasure system is the brain’s reward center, and it’s linked to addiction. In this area, dopamine releases a compulsion to engage in rewarding activities repeatedly. So when you’re addicted to certain chemicals, your body craves them because of how they make you feel—and when you don’t get what your body wants anymore, there’ll be withdrawal symptoms like irritability or mood swings until your body gets its fix again.

Addiction is a disease that leads to craving substances or behaviors; quitting cold turkey can be extremely dangerous because withdrawal symptoms may cause seizures and even death if not treated properly.

Increased use of a substance or behavior releases dopamine in the pleasure center.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that’s released in the pleasure center of your Brain when you engage in behaviors that are rewarding or pleasurable. When you eat, have sex, use drugs and alcohol (in moderation), or do other things that make you feel good—dopamine is released. This can also happen when you do things that are rewarding for no reason, like playing video games for hours after school or working really hard at your job because it’s fun for some reason (even though it isn’t).

Dopamine reinforces the behavior and creates a compulsion.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that’s released in response to pleasure. It reinforces the behavior and creates a compulsion. Dopamine is also released when people anticipate something pleasurable, such as food or sex.

When you take drugs, your body releases dopamine into your brain. This causes you to feel good because of the increased sensation of pleasure—and it makes you want more of what made you feel good in the first place!

Withdrawal occurs when people reduce their use or eliminate the substance or behavior entirely.

Withdrawal symptoms can be physical, emotional, and mental. They can be different for everyone and may include depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, etc.

We can also alter our brains with positive reinforcement.

You may have heard of positive reinforcement, which is the process by which we reward ourselves or others for doing something good. Positive reinforcement can be as simple as a pat on the back, or it can involve something more involved, like getting your favorite food when you meet a goal.

You might think this is just about food and sex—but it isn’t! Positive reinforcement also applies to other activities like exercise and learning new things! When someone compliments us on our progress with their kind words and actions, we feel good about ourselves because they show how much they care about us being healthy and happy. This feeling of happiness will lead them to continue making these kinds of gestures towards us in order to keep those positive emotions going strong (and not turn into negative ones). Positive reinforcement can be used in drug rehabilitation and other areas of life. If you have a loved one struggling with Addiction, it’s important to use positive reinforcement techniques to help them succeed in their recovery. Here in daylight detox, we have a number of ways to help you give your loved one the positive reinforcement they need to be successful in recovery. One of these is by offering them rewards for their good behavior, such as gift cards and outings. You can also use positive reinforcement techniques like praise and encouragement to show your loved one how proud you are of them for all their hard work.

We are not powerless in our addiction — we can create positive change in our brains, even after years of negative reinforcement.

The brain is capable of plasticity, meaning that it can change. We are not powerless in our addiction — we can create positive change in our brains, even after years of negative reinforcement.

The first step to recovery is acknowledging that you have an issue and need help. You may feel like you’re alone or hopeless, but there are people who care about you and want the best for you (that’s why they got into this field!). The professionals in daylight detox will help guide you through this process by providing support and direction as needed along the way.

Once your brain has been exposed to new stimuli (like learning how to make healthy choices), retraining will occur naturally over time as long as those stimuli continue being presented within everyday life experiences where we have access instead of just focusing solely on drugs/alcoholism/etc.


Ultimately, it’s important to remember that while addiction can be challenging to overcome, we are not powerless in our struggle. We have a choice and can change our brains by making positive choices — even after years of negative reinforcement. It may sound like a grand goal, but once you understand how your brain works and why it continues to crave what hurts us most (even when we want something better), then you’ll be armed with the knowledge that could help guide you through recovery. The next step will be working with an experienced rehabilitation center, which you can find here in daylight detox.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with addiction and looking for help, please call us today. Our specialists in Daylight detox are ready to answer any questions you may have about treatment options and our program.

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If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

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