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True Or False? Alcohol And Drug Abuse Only Affects The Intoxicated Person

What is an intoxicated person?

An intoxicated person may or may not have an alcohol addiction. However, if the person is intoxicated, they have a different or decreased mental or physical functioning, which is substantially impaired due to consuming alcohol or drugs.

The federal amount to identify legal intoxication is 0.08% BAC as a standard. However, some states have additional statutes, restrictions on the different license or vehicle types, and harsher penalties for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) levels that are exceptionally high. Excessive drinking is a side effect of alcohol abuse.

What are the signs a person is intoxicated?

Signs a person is an intoxicated include:

  • Not feeling pain as usual
  • Not being aware of an injury or seriousness of an injury
  • Decreasing consciousness

When you see these signs, the first thing you want to do is help. However, now is not the time to attempt to have a conversation about alcohol addiction rehab. Nor is it the time to quote alcohol addiction facts. Instead, it’s time for you to let the person know you care by staying with the intoxicated person or finding someone else to do so for their safety.

How do I care for an intoxicated person?

Most of the time, an intoxicated person can be cared for at home by family or friends. However, if you think the intoxicated person’s condition is getting worse and you are concerned you will not provide a safe environment, seek medical help.

Alcohol leaves the body at approximately .015 BAC per hour, and this process cannot be speeded up. So, despite popular beliefs and myths, coffee doesn’t help. Getting a cold shower doesn’t help either. 

While you may know and feel in your heart that you know best, now is not the time to push for alcohol addiction treatment. In a few days, when the person with an addiction or alcohol abuse is feeling better, bring up addiction help and intervention. This first step is one of the hardest ones they’ll ever have to make. But, admitting there’s a need for help is a vital first step. Contact our alcohol addiction hotline at 888-708-2602.

How can I help someone who is intoxicated?

  • Find out what the intoxicated person has consumed: alcohol, illegal drugs, or medications. In addition to what was consumed, do your best to determine how much, and over what time, and if there was a combination of items or only one item.
  • Find out if the intoxicated person has medical conditions, diseases, or other health problems that could mimic intoxication or affect their current situation.
  • Stop them from taking more alcohol or drugs.
  • Stay with the intoxicated person or have someone else stay with the person until their mental and physical condition shows improvement.
  • Provide a safe place for the intoxicated person to rest.
  • Do not permit the intoxicated person to drive a vehicle or operate machinery.
  • Do your best to create a safe place to help the intoxicated person not fall.
  • If an intoxicated person is vomiting, stay with them. Explain what you are doing in a reassuring and precise manner.
  • Encourage the intoxicated person to lie down, rest, and sleep, being sure they lie on their side. This prevents accidental death by choking if they vomit. 
  • Call for help if the intoxicated person becomes uncontrollable, or you sense a medical emergency.

Signs that an intoxicated person may need a medical evaluation include:

An injured and intoxicated person may not feel pain normally, so they may not be aware of an injury or understand its seriousness.

If an intoxicated person is experiencing decreasing consciousness, frequently tap and ask are you okay. They should become more alert as time passes. If they are becoming harder to arouse, this could indicate they are getting worse and need medical help.

Things you should NOT do as you care for an intoxicated person.

  • Do not try to restrain the intoxicated person.
  • Do not give the intoxicated person any medication, even over-the-counter or aspirin.
  • Do not give the intoxicated person food, coffee, tea, or other liquids.
  • Do not induce vomiting.
  • Do not give the intoxicated person a cold shower.
  • Do not assume that every intoxicated person who passes out will sleep it off. Check their breathing every thirty minutes for the first two hours and then hourly. 
  • Do not let an intoxicated person operate a car, motorcycle, or bicycle.
  • Do not leave the intoxicated person alone.

False – Alcohol and drug abuse only affect the intoxicated person.

What do you think? 

After seeing above how much people will battle for someone they care about, it’s hard to see how only the intoxicated person could be solely affected. Granted, the intoxicated person will be impacted more than anyone else, but that wasn’t the question. 

If you guess FALSE, that’s what we’re feeling too. 

Everyone who comes in contact with or is around the intoxicated person is impacted and affected by the situation and wants to be helpful. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem helpful or kind, but they usually have amazing hearts and intentions even when they don’t get the right words to come out all the time.

Addiction Help and Intervention

Alcohol and drug abuse most certainly impact the intoxicated person and every single aspect of their life. However, an intoxicated person can also affect their family, friends, and the community – physically, mentally, and financially.

A person suffering from a drinking problem, alcohol abuse, or alcoholism needs alcohol addiction intervention. Rehabilitation makes a difference in the life of individuals with addiction and their families and friends. Only 10% of people with an addiction receive treatment. Over 23 million people in the United States live with at least one addiction. With only 10% seeking intervention, this leaves a lot of people attempting to battle it on their own instead of seeking rehab.

There’s a professional team of experienced experts waiting to provide addiction help. So take the first step, contact us today, and let’s work together for a better life. Contact our addiction hotline now at [main_phone_number].

Get Confidential Help 24/7

If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

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