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Can My Family Come to Visit Me During Rehab?

Going to rehab can be a scary experience full of unknowns. Not only are you expected to give up drugs and alcohol — the things that consistently bring you comfort — but you are expected to spend time away from your friends, family, and loved ones as you heal. However, staying away from family, particularly healthy family members, can be difficult and disheartening. Instead, many people feel as though they benefit from being able to visit with their families during rehab.

Family involvement in the recovery process is invaluable. Patients who have supportive families often have higher rates of success after treatment. As a result, your family is not only allowed to visit you during rehab but they are encouraged to do so as much as possible.

The Role of Family in Addiction Recovery

Including family members in the addiction treatment process can improve outcomes in people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Studies show that family involvement in recovery can improve a patient’s resilience, problem-solving skills, coping skills, and more.[1] 

If your family is able and willing to be a part of your rehab journey, that is wonderful news. Having a supportive family by your side can help you prevent relapse and make the most out of your therapy sessions. There are many ways your family can get involved in your recovery, such as:

  • Visiting you while you are in residential treatment
  • Writing letters back and forth with you during your time away from home
  • Having regular phone calls with you while you are in rehab
  • Participating in family therapy sessions with you and other patients at the rehab facility

It’s normal to feel ashamed, guilty, and even embarrassed while tackling the topic of your addiction with your family. However, the people who love and care about you the most will simply be happy that you are safe and getting the help you need. Your family’s support can help boost your self-confidence and increase your motivation to stay sober.[2]

Can My Family Visit Me During Rehab?

Most addiction treatment centers in West Palm Beach recognize the importance of involving patients’ families in the recovery process. During your first week in rehab, you will go through a mandatory “blackout period.” This is when you are not allowed to use the phone or have any contact with people outside of the treatment facility (except in the event of an emergency). This period of time intends to help you adjust to the treatment experience as well as separate you from triggering individuals.

After completing your first week, your visitation rules will become more relaxed. You will be able to make phone calls home and invite your family to come and visit you during rehab. As you progress in your treatment plan, you may even be given the privilege to go “on-pass” with your family or a family member. A pass allows you to check out of the rehab facility for a short period of time so you can spend time with your loved ones. You may be allowed to go out to eat, visit your home, or take a walk on the beach with your family. As a result, you have many options when it comes to family visitation during rehab.

Inpatient Rehab Visitation Rules

Your family can’t come and visit you at any time they want to. Instead, there are strict rules you and your family will have to follow. These rules are meant to protect you, your family, and other patients at the treatment facility. While every treatment program is different, here is what you can expect:

  • Get approval from your primary therapist – Before your family can come to visit you during rehab, you must get prior approval. Your primary therapist knows you best, so it is up to him or her to approve or deny your visitation requests. Your therapist may discuss your relationship with the person whom you want to visit and help you decide whether or not it is a good idea. If your therapist gives you the OK, you may invite your loved one to visit you at a designated date and time.
  • Avoid meeting people who are currently using substances – In most cases, it is not a good idea for you to visit with a family member who is actively struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. This may be triggering and difficult for you to cope with. Instead, stick to visitors who are sober and supportive of your recovery.
  • Mandatory drug testing after going on pass – If you are granted a pass to leave the rehab facility with a loved one, you must agree to a urinalysis screening upon your return. This drug test makes sure you have stayed sober while away from the treatment facility.

You are also expected to follow any other rules set forth by your rehab center regarding visitation.

Start Your Sobriety Journey With Daylight Recovery Center Today

Here at Daylight Recovery Center, we encourage patients to strengthen their relationships with their families so they can have the best chance at sustained recovery. Both our residential and discharge planning programs help patients improve communication skills and build healthy support systems. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and need support, we are here to help. Call us today to get started.

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If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

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