Fentanyl Withdrawal & Treatment
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About Fentanyl Addiction And Withdrawal Treatment
Dealing with a severe substance addiction, whether it’s your own or a loved one’s, is far more complex than simply quitting and moving on. Fentanyl addiction, in particular, is a multifaceted issue with both physical and mental consequences. As a potent opioid, fentanyl interacts with the nervous system, fundamentally altering how the brain and body communicate.
When fentanyl enters the system, it triggers a flood of dopamine in the brain’s reward circuit, leading to intense pleasure. Consequently, this dopamine surge reinforces the behavior that caused it, essentially “teaching” the brain to seek fentanyl again. Over time, dependence develops as the brain adapts to the drug’s presence. When the expected dose isn’t received, withdrawal symptoms quickly set in. For those experiencing them, these symptoms can be incredibly distressing.
Tragically, fentanyl has claimed numerous lives through addiction, misuse, and accidental overdoses. This powerful synthetic opioid should only be used under strict medical supervision and as prescribed. To effectively treat fentanyl addiction and safely manage withdrawal, professional medical intervention is crucial. At Daylight Recovery Center, we offer round-the-clock patient care and highly individualized addiction recovery programs. Our goal is to provide optimal results in a safe, comfortable environment, supporting you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.

We Offer Fentanyl Addiction Treatment
Substance addiction is a condition that is dependent on so many different variables, not the least of which is the type of substance in question. Addiction to caffeine, for instance, is relatively benign and does not require inpatient care at an addiction recovery center. It does not require outpatient care either. On the other hand, addiction to other substances often does call for professional medical intervention.
Drug rehabilitation centers provide an important and much-needed service to countless individuals. Even so, many of them are not equipped to adequately handle fentanyl addiction. They specialize in recovery from other substances. Daylight Recovery Center is different in that we do provide specialized fentanyl addiction intervention and recovery care. Our expert staff members are equipped to effectively handle fentanyl detoxification and withdrawal. Additionally, our personalized addiction recovery programs are meant to get you through fentanyl detox, withdrawal, and addiction recovery as safely, comfortably, and efficiently as possible.
While we do specialize in general drug recovery care and have demonstrated success with patients addicted to a long list of substances other than fentanyl, make no mistake about it: We are the premier fentanyl addiction treatment center in Florida. If you are suffering from a fentanyl or opioid addiction, call our 24/7 addiction hotline today at 1-888-307-1527.
We Provide Safe Fentanyl Withdrawal
Anyone who is dependent on fentanyl will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. As is the case with other opioids, fentanyl withdrawal symptoms can include fever, cold sweats, muscle pain, joint pain, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, drug cravings, and more. In some cases, it can even include convulsions and hallucinations. The withdrawal experience is extremely unpleasant, to say the least — the total opposite of the pleasure many seek when they take the drug to begin with. It is best managed at a licensed and qualified treatment center.
Time and again, Daylight Recovery Center has proven that fentanyl withdrawal is managed most effectively when expertise meets compassion in a safe and clean environment. Our staff members take into account every patient’s individual needs and feelings as they provide expert care. Our highly individualized approach to drug addiction treatment and recovery care includes a safe and effective withdrawal schedule for optimal comfort in an understandably difficult situation — one that might otherwise seem unbearable.
Opioid withdrawal usually lasts anywhere from 7 – 10 days, depending on the severity of the underlying drug addiction. Sometimes it can last up to 14 days or more. At its peak, symptoms are most severe. They are not necessarily life-threatening, but complications can and do occur. And while it does not mean that death is right around the corner, anyone experiencing the more severe aspects of withdrawal can certainly feel as if it is. Daylight Recovery Center’s fentanyl withdrawal schedule takes every patient’s medical safety and subjective feelings into account. We do what we can to make sure that you go through withdrawal as safely and comfortably as possible.

The Best Fentanyl Treatment Programs
When it comes to substance abuse treatment programs, the saying, “They’re all the same,” could not apply less. Approaches vary and not all are supported by sound scientific reasoning. Additionally, licensed treatment centers with generally good care do not always produce the best results because their programs are not as personalized as they could be.
Sometimes the problem lies in a treatment center’s hired staff. Sound addiction recovery treatment is provided, but staff members seem disconnected from the plight of their patients. Empathy and understanding are not high in terms of priority. In such cases, patients are not made to feel as valuable as they are — as human as those who are caring for them. The importance of how they feel throughout the recovery process is undermined. Such could not be further from the truth at Daylight Recovery Center.
The best fentanyl addiction and withdrawal treatment programs view patients as whole human beings who need to be heard and cared for as they go through a highly customized recovery program. The treatment experience includes much more than simple medical care and calculated steps toward recovery. Daylight Recovery Center’s approach to fentanyl addiction treatment takes this into consideration every step of the way, cementing our position as the premiere rehab and recovery center in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Get Confidential Help 24/7
If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.
Treatment Type
- Alcohol Withdrawal & Treatment
- Ambien Withdrawal & Treatment
- Barbiturates Withdrawal & Treatment
- Benzodiazepine Withdrawal & Treatment
- Cocaine Withdrawal & Treatment
- Fentanyl Withdrawal & Treatment
- Heroin Withdrawal & Treatment
- Inhalant Withdrawal & Treatment
- Methamphetamine Addiction
- Opioid Withdrawal & Treatment
Get confidential help 24/7.
If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does fentanyl withdrawal last?
Fentanyl is an opioid, and the duration of withdrawal from it depends on the length and severity of a person’s dependence on the drug. Dosage and frequency of use factor into the equation, as does the method of ingestion. Generally, short-acting opioid withdrawal symptoms last up to 10 days. Withdrawal from long-acting opioids and extended-release formulations of fentanyl can last up to 14 days. Everyone’s situation is different. Daylight Recovery Center takes a highly personalized approach to addiction, detox, and withdrawal treatment.
What does fentanyl withdrawal feel like?
Fentanyl withdrawal is unpleasant and can be most challenging at its peak. The subjective experience is the polar opposite of the pleasurable one that is associated with taking the drug. Whereas the illicit use of fentanyl leads to feelings of relaxation and euphoria, withdrawal causes nausea, muscle aches, anxiety, and more. Daylight Recovery Center makes the fentanyl withdrawal experience as safe and comfortable as possible.
What are the symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal?
Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, agitation, drug cravings, muscle aches, anxiety, hypertension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, hallucinations, convulsions, and more. Life-threatening complications can arise, but are not typical. Symptoms peak at about mid-withdrawal and can be subjectively severe. The experienced staff at Daylight Recovery Center will make sure that you go through fentanyl withdrawal as safely and comfortably as possible.
When does fentanyl withdrawal start?
Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms begin as early as 12 hours after the last dose was taken. Extended release forms of fentanyl delay the onset of symptoms up to about a day after last usage.
What is withdrawal from fentanyl?
Fentanyl withdrawal refers to the combined mental and physical effects that occur when someone who is dependent on fentanyl stops using the drug. The experience of withdrawal can be moderate to severe, depending on the duration of a person’s fentanyl dependence as well as their frequency of use. In any case, withdrawal is unpleasant and is best experienced at a licensed treatment facility. Daylight Recovery Center makes fentanyl withdrawal as safe and comfortable as possible.
What helps fentanyl withdrawal?
Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms are best managed at a licensed inpatient treatment facility, where over-the-clock care is provided and qualified staff can quickly address any issues or emergencies that might arise. The subjective effects of fentanyl withdrawal can be severe and are best dealt with under supervision. As a true recovery center, Daylight Recovery Center helps you get through fentanyl withdrawal safely and comfortably, and our customized recovery programs make it so that you can effectively recover from your addiction.
What is inpatient fentanyl treatment?
Inpatient fentanyl abuse, addiction, and withdrawal treatment refers to the care that is given at a residential treatment facility. It is juxtaposed to outpatient care, which is not residential and is generally less intensive. Daylight Recovery Center provides patients with personalized, 24/7 addiction recovery care in a setting that is highly optimized for the occasion.
What is outpatient fentanyl treatment?
An outpatient fentanyl abuse and addiction program gives non-residential addiction recovery treatment to those who do not require intensive, around-the-clock care. Outpatient programs allow patients to go about their daily lives when they are not at their treatment center. However, fentanyl addiction is serious and potentially life-threatening. Taking that into consideration, the focused and personalized inpatient programs at Daylight Recovery Center are designed to be as effective and efficient as possible with experienced staff on hand 24/7.